Radioactive - Training Courses
This course is for companies and employees that are focused on the transport of dangerous goods under class 7 Radioactive Materials. We cover the requirements for classification, packaging and consigning of Excepted, Industrial, Type A, Type B (U), Type B (M), Type C and Fissile Radioactive shipments.
Our courses are delivered by qualified UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Facilitators and are designed to offer practical solutions for employees that transport dangerous goods by air. Our courses are interactive and built with sufficient flexibility that we can incorporate using attendee product examples to help manage the process of dangerous goods in the work environment.
All our air dangerous goods training concludes with a CAA exam of which students must successfully achieve an 80% pass mark. To retain your air certification revalidation training must repeated every 2 years.
e-Learning Courses
e-Learning is distance learning which takes place across the internet. It allows you to work at your own place in your own time frame
Classroom Training
Classroom learning can be either across the internet or at a specific location, which are led by qualified instructors with an exam or certificate.